Most high school students give up on college because of the misconception that it's tricky to get a scholarship. Contrary to popular belief, there are a number of avenues available to you to get a scholarship with no strings attached, thereby seeing you head on into the sunset to experience what could potentially be the most memorable period of your life!
A number of qualified students, however, give up attending university due to having no money. Without fighting for your dreams or aspirations, the flip side of the coin could mean you finding a job at your local pub or, worse still, join the construction industry and feel some sense of pride that you helped build this or that mall but, the ultimate truth is, with the job market the way it is right now, how long do you think you could hold on to that job and make bank?
In an environment where your skills are forever evolving, and one has to compete against more qualified individuals from South Africa and elsewhere outside the United States, the saying hard work environment takes a whole new meaning!
The trick is to be smart enough by seeking this selective information and put it to real good use.
The sad state of affairs is, when you do an internet search, all you come across is the same material everyone's approached before, so you follow the path that millions have followed before, only to be turned down as these companies have hard-to-please selection guidelines, and one has to sing the blues in order to qualify for assistance.
The deception, is being, thereby getting your scholarship a nod of approval. We've already established there are lots of companies out there that are willing to offer financial aid. Consider this, ever watched the Price is Right? Why, I hear you ask, because there are lot of companies and individuals out there glad to give away financial aid for a good cause, or as a community service!
Did you know that opportunity abounds in that your local supermarket offers financial aid for College tuition fee to extraordinary students?
Not really.
Well, that's just one of the possible paths available to you to think like the victor that you are and find scholarships for college for yourself! Also, hardware stores such as Home Depot, Lowes... you get the drift.
Basically corporations that are always giving away their products towards a worthy cause.
The next step then is approaching these companies and being in front of a decision maker with a good story in hand!
There is no shortcut to getting a scholarship, however, you stand a good chance if you follow these steps and get ready for the most important part of your life, the College years.
A number of qualified students, however, give up attending university due to having no money. Without fighting for your dreams or aspirations, the flip side of the coin could mean you finding a job at your local pub or, worse still, join the construction industry and feel some sense of pride that you helped build this or that mall but, the ultimate truth is, with the job market the way it is right now, how long do you think you could hold on to that job and make bank?
In an environment where your skills are forever evolving, and one has to compete against more qualified individuals from South Africa and elsewhere outside the United States, the saying hard work environment takes a whole new meaning!
The trick is to be smart enough by seeking this selective information and put it to real good use.
The sad state of affairs is, when you do an internet search, all you come across is the same material everyone's approached before, so you follow the path that millions have followed before, only to be turned down as these companies have hard-to-please selection guidelines, and one has to sing the blues in order to qualify for assistance.
The deception, is being, thereby getting your scholarship a nod of approval. We've already established there are lots of companies out there that are willing to offer financial aid. Consider this, ever watched the Price is Right? Why, I hear you ask, because there are lot of companies and individuals out there glad to give away financial aid for a good cause, or as a community service!
Did you know that opportunity abounds in that your local supermarket offers financial aid for College tuition fee to extraordinary students?
Not really.
Well, that's just one of the possible paths available to you to think like the victor that you are and find scholarships for college for yourself! Also, hardware stores such as Home Depot, Lowes... you get the drift.
Basically corporations that are always giving away their products towards a worthy cause.
The next step then is approaching these companies and being in front of a decision maker with a good story in hand!
There is no shortcut to getting a scholarship, however, you stand a good chance if you follow these steps and get ready for the most important part of your life, the College years.
I love writing about a wide variety of issues, and scholarships for high school seniors is very personal to me, and hopefully high school seniors reading this article will be able to use the internet to do a free scholarship search for companies offering scholarships. |
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